Water Treatment / Environmental measures

In recent years, the global water shortage has become a serious problem. From products that enable the re-use of limited water resources, and those that provide eco-friendly water treatment product that enables effective utilization, our company tries to consider a wide range of fields.

In J.T.C we introduce equipment that are adequate and well-suited to the different fields of water purification:
– Purification and desalination equipment used to purify sea water/salt water into safe drinking water during times of disaster
– Waste water treatment equipment that can purify waste water from factories until it can be released rivers and sewages
– Purifying equipment that does not make use of chemicals used as water circulation scale countermeasure for cooling towers and boilers
– Equipment that can guard against deterioration for the rusting of water supply pipes of mansions and buildings

Water Purification-Desalination Equipment

We suggest using devices that can purify water from rivers and pools into safe drinking water such as R.O filters (Reverse Osmosis).

This is applicable not only for emergency purposes but for a number of different uses:  Seawater can be desalinated and used for drinking water on isolated islands; this water can also be used for baby milk and artificial dialysis in hospitals, and can even be used in flower shops and schools.

Scale countermeasure of Cooling Towers

Scale countermeasures that make use of no chemicals in place of using drugs for water purification (as in general circulating water treatment), not only reduce costs (electric costs, etc.), but also improves thermal efficiency. We recommend this product as it gives due consideration for the environment.

Countermeasures against degradation of water supply pipes

For buildings and mansions that require degradation countermeasures against water supply and drainage pipe rust, we recommend using devices that can suppress erosion and stop degradation. By using these devices, one no longer needs to spend a lot of money on changing pipes and lining construction.

Waste Water Treatment Measures

By using techniques like electrolysis on factory drainages that contain different chemicals, not only are we are able to process the water released into sewages and rivers to conform to the regulations, we are also able to reduce cost by stopping the dilution discharge that comes from using large amounts of water.